Friday, February 13, 2015

TS4 Nomad Challenge- Birthdays & Deaths

pic:  Jade ages to elder.

pic:  Jasmine ages to elder.

pic:  The kids love playing with the cowplant.

pic:  Jade completed the metals collection.  The museum is coming along nicely.

pic:  Brett ages up to teen.

pic:  Danielle ages up to teen.

pic:  Dante ages up to teen.

pic:  Brett starting to build his rocket.  Gotta get that ufo plant!

pic:  Brett's first time exploring space.

pic:  Brett crashed the rocketship.

pic:  Jasmine passes away while gardening with her kids.

pic:  Jade passes away while fishing.

I thought I'd let the pictures say all that had been happening for me.  A lot happened.  The kids going to school is a nuisance.  I can't wait for them to be done.  We'll have to see how the kids fare without their mothers now.  Jasmine and Jade died at the same time.  Grim had to finish with Jasmine before he came to Jade though so she laid there for quite awhile.  All I have left is the crystals collection and the ufo plant to get.  Also the plants in the garden aren't all perfect.  Then it's just saving up enough to build or buy a house worth $350,000.  That won't be easy.

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