Tuesday, February 2, 2016

TS2- Apocalypse Challenge 1.3: Baths and Birth Control for All

Chapter 1.3: Baths and Birth Control for All

Toddler Fallon cuddling Tucker.  I think it's so cute when they do this!

Time for Fallon to age to a child.

Let the constant hand-washing begin.

Asher helps Dad work on that last logic skill point he needs to be promoted.

Brandon is promoted to chief of staff!  Baths and birth control for all!

Asher ages to a teen.

His aspirations are pleasure/knowledge.  I think he's really ugly.  Looks like it's up to Fallon to have the next generation.

On Dad's day off the family ventures to the military post to up some body skill.  This is the only way the kids can do it since the obstacle course increases fun.

Just as they were leaving Patient Zero attacked this guy!  I was all excited thinking yay another zombie... but no, Patient Zero lost the fight.  *sigh*

After one demotion after another due to stupid chance cards Tucker finally lifts pet security.  The town can sleep better at night now.

Yes, I started this post with Fallon aging to child and now she's aging to teen, truthfully life is very boring.  It's a constant struggle to keep them away for the HUGE amount of roaches on the doorstep.

How do you like being a teen Fallon?  I just wish the roaches would go away!

Chapter 1.4: Death Execution Style

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