Sunday, April 24, 2016

Freezer Bunny Dating Franchises- Rainy Dayz Romance: 1.3

Session 1, Entry 2
Participants: Tatsuya Ikeda (from the Ikeda Legacy), Bobbi Rivera, Emma Bennet (from Harrington's Wonder Child) & Pale Rider White

Rainy was woken in the middle of the night by a knock at the door.  She had been expecting Emma Bennet to arrive in the morning... just not at 2am.  "Sorry."  Emma laughed.  "I'm still getting used to this whole sleeping thing!"  They sat down and had some cookies that Rainy had baked the night before and chatted for awhile.  When Rainy asked what Emma is looking for in a relationship Emma got a dreamy look in her eyes.  "I want something like what my parents had.  Their love, it was so strong, so perfect."  Rainy knew that Emma had been a Wonder Child but she wasn't sure how to ask about it so she let it be.  "I guess I'll try sleeping for a bit."  Emma announced.

Rainy didn't bother going back to bed.  She just took a nap on the couch.  Then there was yet another knock on the door.  "Busy house."  She muttered to herself as she went to answer it.

Apparently she had an unexpected client.  Like Bobbi he just showed up but unlike Bobbi he wasn't here just for "scientific research".  He introduced himself as Pale White Rider but said everyone calls him Platinum.  Because one day he'll have a platinum album.

They had coffee while they waited for the others in the house to wake up and Platinum was disappointed that Rainy had never heard of him or his music.  "Sugar, ya gotta know my music!"

When the others started to trickle in looking for something to eat Platinum went to play games on the computer.  Maybe he's shy?  Naw.  Emma entertained Tats with stories about all the things she'd done as a kid.  He was amazed when she told him she built her own rocket ship.

Rainy decided to get the group out, and away from the computer, and took them all to the new movie theater.  Her boys Jay and Dom met them there.

They watched a horror movie about zombies.  Everyone got really worked up over some parts.

After the movie was over Bobbi picked it apart and explained how all of the special effects were done.  Tats said he doesn't care how they did it, it was a boring movie either way.

The group headed over to The Shrieking Llama next door and Platinum introduced himself to Gretchen and they sat down and started chatting away.

It was alien night at the bar and the place got pretty packed.

Bobbi and Emma went out back and debated the names of the different constellations.

Tats got a call that there was a big party at the Von Haunt estate so the group left the bar and headed over.

The dj put out a flirty vibe and Platinum decided to flirt with Bobbi.

Then he left Bobbi and walked over and hugged Gretchen.

Then he kisses her right there in front of everyone!

Throughout the night everyone took a nap.  First it was Rainy.  Then Emma.

Then Platinum... guess that kiss tired him out!

Then Tats.

Everyone was shocked to see miss know-it-all "love is a chemical reaction" flirting with this guy named Cesar Rollins.  After that Rainy realized it was after 5am and rounded the tired crew up and took them all home.

Next chapter
Chapter notes:  Movie Theater by atono789.

Everyone was obsessed with Bobbi: chat with Bobbi, stargaze with Bobbi, tell Bobbi a joke!  She was one popular girl.  

The flirty vibe at the dance party changed almost everyone's whims.  Poor Tats still kept rolling whims to mix drinks and of course... talk to Bobbi.  Emma kept wanting to buy a telescope and whims like that.  One whim that I kept ignoring was the whoohoo in a bush one.  It was coming up for ALL of them and drove me nuts!  Platinum and Gretchen really hit it off after their hug.  Bobbi's actions with Cesar were all autonomous, I was busy taking cute napping pics of everyone else and when I went back to her he was handing her the rose and they had a pink bar!

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